Edit Mode Expanded

Edit Mode Expanded


Windowed mode resize issue

teelolws opened this issue ยท 3 comments


@cdeconinck since you wrote the UI Resize scaling code, I'm hoping you can help with this issue #22

If a frame is placed on the right hand side, like this:

Then the window is resized smaller, it scrolls off the edge of the window

Eventually being hidden

I'm thinking something like... when a window resize event is detected (is there one?), check if the right side of the frame has gone out of bounds and adjust the bottom left anchor?


Alternatively, instead of anchoring everything to bottom left, I detect the closest corner and anchor to that one instead


My commit was just to fix the scaling for the EditModeManagerExpanded frame but sure i can look into that tomorrow. I've also noticed several issues with the slider used to change the scaling of each frame.
For example, when i change the scaling of the durability frame and i press the 'revert to inital position' button, the anchor and scaling of the frame are misaligned or with the wrong size


The "reset" / "revert" buttons return them to the size and position they were before my addon loaded them in. There is an issue where I don't update the options in that dialog box, though. I need to find a safe way to hook the slider, if its still open.

But to the original issue, I did find a "display size changed" event, but it doesn't tell me how much it was changed, or what direction, or... anything. I think I'm going to have to go with changing what corner I anchor everything to.