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LFG eye is missing.

NoShotz opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Ever since 10.1.0 the LFG eye has been missing for me.


Blizzard moved the LFG Eye in 10.1, and it may have been shoved off screen. Have you tried the Reset button?


I have tried it before posting this issue, and it didn't help.


By default now, its "pinned" to your menu bar. Try moving your menu bar to the middle of the screen, save it, do a quick /reload, then reset the eye again.


By default now, its "pinned" to your menu bar. Try moving your menu bar to the middle of the screen, save it, do a quick /reload, then reset the eye again.

If it is attached to the menu bar, no wonder I can't see it, cause I move the menu bar via the dominos addon, and I have it set at the top middle of the screen just under my broker bar. I don't see a way in dominos to be able to stop it from controlling it's location.


I suggest you turn off dominos, reset and position the LFG eye where you want it, then turn dominos back on.


Allright, I'll do some testing with dominos later, see if I can find a solution.


At this point it seems the issue is a dominos issue, cause when dominos is off, the queue status appears when I queue for stuff, but when I turn dominos on, it no longer appears no matter if this addon is turned on or not.


Yeah, it is definitely an issue with dominos, turned off every addon except for dominos, and the eye does not appear.


Okay, not a fan of fixing an issue with someone elses addon, but here goes.
It seems Dominos doesn't have any method that I could find to reset a single frame. All I could find was an all-or-nothing deal.
So this is a dirtier solution: this will go through your Dominos saved variables and reset its LFG Button settings.

/run local function f(t) for k,v in pairs(t) do if k == "queue" then wipe(v) return end if type(v) == "table" then f(v) end end end f(DominosDB)

Immediately /reload after this, and the LFG icon should be in the middle of your screen.


Yeah, that did indeed bring it on to the screen, but it wasn't centered which leads me to believe that the two mods trying to control the same UI element applied the offset from the default location twice, one for each addon which made it land off screen.

I fully understand not liking fixing other addons issues, if I knew it was a different addon causing the issue, I would have went there for help, but since the addon I moved the LFG eye with was this one, I assumed the issue was with this one.

Thanks for the help.


I suggest you disable LFG Icon support in one of the addons, use the other addon for it. Not sure how to disable it in Dominos, but my option is under the usual Interface options -> Addons.