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Edit Mode Expanded


Loot frame for bonus roll

LLeonLeung opened this issue ยท 7 comments


It seemed that the bonus roll loot frame doesn't follow the bonus roll frame, any possible to solve that? Or can the bonus roll loot frame be added to the addon?


Sorry, maybe I didn't express myself clearly. I mean the loot frame after rolling.


I see. That window used to be attached to the achievements alert system. They must have changed it in 10.1, and I didn't notice. Now it gets in the way of my action bars. The window also applies to winning loot via Group Loot.

Support added with this patch. It follows the same restriction: you won't be able to see and move it in Edit Mode until you've already triggered it since the last login/reload.




I just found the same issue for AH uploading information frame, gets in the way of action bars. It's different frame to Grope loot frame.


Can you show me a pic of that? Its probably an addon.



I double checked. It should not be an addon. It appears when you sale more than one, If you sale dozens of the same item, it shows the progress. The frame shows the progress and appears for a short time.