EditBox Font Improver

EditBox Font Improver


EditBox Font Improver


The addon lets you set your custom font, font size and style for the edit boxes of:

  • Blizz’s macro frame: Edit box
  • M6: Edit box
  • OPie: The edit box to write a macro for a button
  • WowLua: Output and edit box
  • BugSack: Main window text (not an edit box, but it contains code that should be readable)

The main point is that in these macro/script edit boxes we want a clean, monospaced font, and not Friz Quadrata, Arial Narrow, or similar nonsense. (WoWLua is an exception, as it already uses an appropriate font. See the comments in main.lua for how to exclude WoWLua from the font replacement.)


First-time setup

Before using the addon the first time, you have to set the path to your desired font in the main.lua file of the addon.

If you use SharedMedia, then your fonts will usually be in…

  • Interface/AddOns/SharedMedia/fonts/ or
  • Interface/AddOns/SharedMedia_MyMedia/

If not, anything inside the client folder should be accessible, for example in World of Warcraft/_retail_/Fonts/ or World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/MyNewFontFolder/. The path then would be Fonts/myfont.ttf or Interface/MyNewFontFolder/myfont.ttf.

You can also set font size and font flags in main.lua. You find more instructions there!

Adding more addons

By default, the addon changes the font only of the addons I am using or was using (see above). If you have another addon with an unsuitable font in the edit box, you can try to add the frame to the list. Find more instructions in main.lua.


If you are using WoWLua, then you will be pleased that the EBFI increases the interline spacing in the WoWLua edit box (optional).

Feel free to post suggestions or issues in the GitHub Issues of the repo! Please do not post issues or suggestions in the comments on Curseforge.

My other addons: