


eeSpeak is a small Ace3/LDB automatic chat/emote addon.

Current features;

Does a random quote when deploying Blingtron and Repair bots.
Optional announcement of location incl. map coordinates!
Optional announcement to your guild channel:)

Events is split in party/raid/solo with lots of editable messages.

Support for the following tags;

Gender tags is for player ONLY and NOT case sensitive, see what you type:)

Does a fixed or random emote when using an engineering portal.
Events is split in morning, afternoon, evening and night.

How frequent eeSpeak announces can be set in options.

Use hotkeys on minimap/LDB-panel, type /ee or bind a key for options.

Builtin support for multiple localizations, need translators!

German translation is complete. Thanks to EngelOfWar!

Please assist translation @
If you got any cool quotes PM @

Lilih @ Defias Brotherhood (EU)