


This add-on provides a simplistic, clean and (real) curved HUD for the player character.

The left bar shows your player's health and the current targets cast bar. Health bar color will change depending on health left, and the enemy cast bar will change depending whether it is interruptible. The casting spell name and cast time is shown at the bottom of the bar, spell-cast duration is shown at the top.

The right bar shows your player's main power and your player's cast bar. Color will also change here depending on power left.

How to use Elementary

There is nothing to do, it will work out of the box. If no target is selected and mana/health are full, it will default to be hidden, select a target or cast something to see the HUD.

Configuration options are still limited at the moment, but you can find them in the game's interface options.

Development status

This add-on is missing the feedback of players, and as such most configuration options, but the code-base is pretty stable.

The code is also written with compatibility in mind where possible, it actually did not require changes due to incompatibility for two add-ons.

There are 3 libraries in it, written alongside, that I intend to extract at some point, because I think they are useful, but my main focus right now is getting the add-on ready for release. If you are interested in using one of them, please contact me first. The "ArcBar" (the 4th lib) is a very special case. It is what makes the curved bars work, but it is hard to determine for me whether the API is ready for use. I have some ideas, but I want to defer implementing them unless someone wants to re-use my code as they would require a larger re-write of the code and it is really hard to write useful unit-tests for this kind of library.

Development goals

This is actually what you can expect of all of my add-ons

  • Simplicity - All graphics will the precise and clean. (I might add in some (optional) animations just for the fun of it.)
  • Performance - Elementary will never be at the top of the list in CPU usage. It also does not collect data, so it is quite low in memory consumption as well.
  • Stability - All releases will be stable.