Elitist Pugs

Elitist Pugs


Note: Most of these features are only useful if the person is master looter and is currently in a raid. The Log Viewer is always available by choosing the appropriate menu item from the minimap icon drop down menu.

Main features:

- Blitz Roll loot system - For each boss kill, players earn one roll. The roll can be used immediately for an item or can be saved for later in the raid (or the week). If the roll is saved, it accumulates with other rolls from other boss kills. Players can use any number of their saved rolls when an item drops. This can result in a "blitz rolloff" where 2 or more players keep rolling on an item until all but one runs out of rolls or gives up - highest roll wins.

- Support to track players specs. Commands:

/ep spec start - enables whisper interaction between the loot master and other raiders

/ep spec stop - disables whisper interaction

/ep spec request - if targeting a specific player, whispers them to ask them their spec with instructions. If nothing is targeted, goes through the raid roster to ask each person their spec by whisper, unless the spec was previously set. If the only possible spec for a class is "Any" then that will automatically be chosen and no whispering is needed.

/ep spec set <name> <spec> - manually sets the spec of player <name> to <spec>. The possible specs are:

DRUID - Bal, Bear, Cat, Resto
MAGE - Any
PALADIN - Holy, Prot, Ret
PRIEST - Holydisc, Shadow
SHAMAN - Resto, Ele, Enhance
WARRIOR - Furyprot, Prot, Fury, Arms

For example

/ep spec set Cloudstalker Prot
sets the player "Cloudstalker" to "Prot", in other words a deep prot tank.

- Support to track mains/alts. Commands:

/ep main set <name> <main name>

For example

/ep main set Mistshift Cloudstalker

sets the main of player "Mistshift" to be "Cloudstalker".

- Loot tables prioritized for different specs to more clearly specify what loot is best for which spec. Just shift-click on the loot item in the master loot dialog box and the loot link as well as the spec priorities are displayed in raid chat. The shift click action also determines whether it is a new boss kill and if so, awards a roll to all players present.

- Support for Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, Onyxia, Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern and um.. Deadmines (useful for testing, leave me alone)

- As players roll on the loot, they are provided with feedback in raid chat about the priority, including if they can't equip it. They are also told how many rolls they have left to use.

- Tracks player rolls in raid chat and shows the blitz rolls in a loot frame beside the master loot box.
- "Give" button to give the loot to a player
- "Undo" button to undo the last roll, can be used repeatedly to undo multiple rolls
- "Disenchant" button to give the loot to a designated Enchanter for disenchanting
- Displays if each player is rolling as a Main, Alt, or Main/Alt (means it's an offspec so it doesn't matter) or Greed. This is automatically determined by their current spec and main settings.

- Raid members, specs, and available rolls are displayed in a smaller raid box.
- "Award" button - the master looter can award or remove rolls to correct to make adjustments in raid or just to suit their loot policy. Select 1 or more players in the "Sel." checkbox column, type in a number (positive to add more rolls, negative to remove rolls), type in a reason, then click the "Award" button to make the changes to all players selected.
- "Ench." column - selecting this checkbox for a player makes them the designated enchanter. Selecting another player will change the disenchanter. The "Disenchant" button in the loot frame uses this selection to determine who to send loot to for disenchanting.

- Logs
- Logs players in raid or found with /who - their name, class, and guild. Also logs their spec, and their main when that is known.
- Logs rolls, loot distributed and to whom during the raid, as well as who entered the raid instance, boss kills and rolls awarded.
- Log viewer to view the log history - supports search and groups logs by date to find information easier.

- Log sharing to prevent loss of data in case of loss of power/blue screen/whatever
- Can specify another player to share logs with.
- When a new log entry is recorded, it is shared only with those people that have both set to share with each other.
- When logging in or /reloading, the log entries are compared with logs of other sharers and they are synced up. This is normally very fast for the most recent entries.
- Only players in raid or in guild are checked for sharing.

Add a player to share logs with:
/script EPA:addRaidBackupLogSync("name")

Remove a player to share logs with:
/script EPA:removeRaidBackupLogSync("name")