Lockslap have resumed his work on the original Chat Tweaks addon!

I will from this day and forward, not be updating this addon anymore, you should all go download the original addon once again!

- Klix, 11-05-2019


This addon requires ElvUI to function.

 Bug reports and Feature Requests are to be handled in my Discord  :)


This is a continuation of the popular ElvUI_ChatTweaks   

All credits belong to Lockslap which have created this addon, i am just maintainer for now.

I will add alot of more features in the upcomming future.

Available Modules

All features can be disabled via the config.

  • Achievement Filter
    • Filter achievement earned messages from guildies or nearby players.
  • Addon Messages
    • Prints the hidden addon messages to a specified chat frame.
    • This is a part of the Debug extension.
  • AFK/DND Filter
    • Filter AFK/DND auto response messages.
    • Compatible with WIM.
  • Alt Names
    • Assign alts to characters for keeping everyone and their various characters in order. Uses LibAlts-1.0.
  • Auction Message Filtering
    • Automatically filter the various messages from using the Auction House.
  • Auto Congratulate
    • Automatically congratulate someone (or group of people) when they complete an achievement.
    • Can monitor people in your guild, raid, party, or anyone nearby.
    • Customizable messages with wildcards for adding specific information.
    • Included is a throttle to control spam/annoyances.
  • Auto Ding
    • Congratulate someone when they say ding.
    • Customizable messages with wildcards for adding specific information.
    • Included is a throttle to control spam/annoyances.
  • Auto Profession Link
    • Automatically link one of you professions when requested in chat.
  • Auto Set Role
    • Automatically sets your role when various events occur.
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Auto Welcome
    • Automatically welcome someone when they join your guild.
    • Included is a throttle to control spam/annoyances.
  • Battle.net Invite Spam
    • Uses the Spam Filter module's triggers to determine if BNet invites sent to you were spam.
    • Does NOT interfere with the workings of oQueue.
    • This is a part of the Spam extension.
  • Calculator
    • A simple command-line calculator.
    • Syntax: /calc <expression>
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Channel Colors
    • Channel colors are remembered by their name, rather than ID.
    • Shorten channel names to make chat frames more compact.
  • Channel Invite Spam
    • Blocks spamming of custom channel invites.
    • Ignores the sender as well.
    • This is a part of the Spam extension.
  • Channel Sounds
    • Ability to play a sound, customizable via LibSharedMedia-3.0, when a message is received in any channel.
    • Channels can each have their own sound.
  • Channel Spam
    • Send timed messages to General or Trade chat.
    • Useful for selling something or building a group.
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Chat Tabs
    • Set certain channels to flash their chat tabs when a message is received and that tab is not the active frame.
  • Clear Chat Commands
    • Adds chat commands to clear the chat frames.
  • Color Rolls
    • Color various types of rolls.
    • Designed for use while playing the roll game.
  • Companions
    • Adds /pets/mounts, and /zonelist commands, for displaying various information about your Pets and Zones.
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
    • Syntax
      • /zonelist - Print a list of the pets capturable in your current zone.
      • /pets [args]
        • help or ? - Print help.
        • no argument - Number of total, unique, and duplicate pets.
        • unowned - Number of pets you do not own.
        • unique - Number of unique pets.
        • duplicates - Number of duplicate pets.
      • /mounts - Print the number of mounts you have.
  • Crap Cleaner
    • Filters those annoying trends in chat (anal, dirge, etc.).
    • This is a part of the Spam extension.
  • Custom Chat Filters
    • This module only filters numbered channels like Trade or General, the Custom Named Chat Filtersmodule supports the other named channels.
    • Use pattern matching to filter any text of your choice.
  • Custom Named Chat Filters
    • This module should be used for Guild, Officer, Raid, etc. channels.
    • Use pattern matching to filter any text of your choice.
  • Custom Emotes
    • Add custom emotes to have some fun!
  • Damage Meters
    • Can compress Damage Meter reports into a clickable link that will show the report in a tooltip.
    • You have the option to just suppress them instead.
    • Works for Recount, Skada, and TinyDPS.
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Datatext
    • Adds an ElvUI compatible datatext.
  • Developer Tools
    • Adds various tools to help with debugging and development.
    • This is a part of the Debug extension.
  • Editbox Alt Key Arrows
    • Toggle the requirement of the Alt key to be pressed to use arrow keys to navigate an editbox.
  • Emote Filter
    • Disabled by default.
    • Allows you to separately filter standard and/or custom emotes.
  • Fake Achievement
    • Adds /fake <id or link> <date in MM/DD/YY format> command, to generate fake achievement links.
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Fun Filters
    • A module to allow you to apply some fun filters to chat messages.
    • Leetspeak, reverse, etc.
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Gold Calculator
    • A simple command-line calculator designed specifically for calculating gold amounts.
    • Syntax: /gcalc <expression>
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Guild Invite Alternative Command
    • Shortened /ginvite to /ginv.
    • More for lazy folks like myself.
  • Guild Kick Command
    • Adds /gkick command, because that's the way it should be.
  • Guild Spam
    • Filter guild recruitment message in chat.
    • Also filter guild recruitment whispers.
    • Block guild invites. Toggles Blizzard's built in setting.
    • This is a part of the Spam extension.
  • Group Say Command
    • Allows you to speak with your group (party, raid, battleground) with one simple command.
    • Adds /gs
  • Identify Chat Frames
    • Adds /chatframes and /cf commands to help you identify chat frames.
  • In Command
    • Adds /in command to delay the execution of a command.
    • Syntax: /in <delay> <command>
  • Invite Links
    • Using trigger words ("invite" and "inv", by default) to create a link that when clicked will invite the person.
    • Also adds ability to Alt+Click someone's name to invite them.
  • Keybinds
    • Per user request, a Keybinds module was added to provide keybinds for chat shortcuts.
  • Loot Icons
    • Add item icon to loot messages.
  • Magic 8-Ball
    • Similar to the classic toy, this will answer your (or anyone's) burning questions.
    • Looks for a trigger in chat following by a question.
    • Default Trigger: !8ball
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Materials Farming
    • An addon to track the quantities of materials you're currently farming.
  • Minimap Button
    • Adds a minimap button.
  • Multiple Invite Command
    • Written by Björn Benjamin Hiller
    • Allows you to invite multiple people with a single command.
    • Names can be abbreviated using the options for frequently invited characters.
    • Syntax: /minv [name1], [name2], ...
  • Pet Battles
    • Change the color of the pet battle info messages.
    • Change the chat frame the messages are sent to.
    • This is a part of the Extra extension.
  • Player Names
    • Adds customization when displaying player names.
    • Such as coloring, level, etc.
  • Popup Messages
    • Per user request, this will popup a message when one of ElvUI's keywords are found in various channels.
  • Ready Check Command
    • Shortens the /readycheck command to /rc
    • Syntax: /rc
  • Release Command
    • Adds /releasecommand to release your spirit if the popup message disappears.
    • Syntax: /release
  • Repeat Command
    • Adds /rpt command to repeat a command X times.
    • Syntax: /rpt <times> <command>
  • Reputation
    • Whenever any reputation changes occur the module will announce the amount of reputation required to obtain the next standing (revered, exalted, etc.).
  • Reroute Auction Messages
    • Reroute auction house messages to the chat frame of your choice.
    • Request by guildmate, Tooter.
  • Role Poll Command
    • Adds a command to quickly initiate a role poll in a raid.
    • Syntax: /role
  • Scroll Reminder
    • Adds a button to the chat frame when you scroll up, that when clicked will return you to the bottom.
  • Spam Filter
    • Filters spam based on various patterns.
    • Useful for suppressing gold spam, can also report the offender for spam.
  • Tell Target
    • Adds command /tt to send a tell to your current target.
  • Text Justification
    • Change the justification of the text in a chat frame.
  • Timestamps
    • Adds customizable timestamps.
  • Whisper Filter
    • Rewritten in version 4.2 for better functionality.
    • Filters whispers from characters who do not meet a certain level requirement.
  • XP Left to Level
    • Tells you under the XP message how much you need to level, along with other information (which you can disable).

Chat Command

  • /ct or /ct config Open Config Window
  • /ct help or /ct ? Show Available Commands
  • /ct config Open Configuration
  • /ct modules Show Module Status