ElvUI Zarac G13

ElvUI Zarac G13


This is a plugin for ElvUI, it will position your Action Bar's buttons to match the layout of Logitech G13 Gameboard.
It uses ElvUI bar 1 and bar 2 so your UI is functional even on a PC without the G13.


There is no configuration, just load the addon. Some options from bar 1 and bar 2 are still unlocked and you can resize and change padding.

From top to bottom:

  • The first row uses bar 2 buttons from #1 to #7;
  • The second row uses bar 1 buttons from #1 to #7;
  • The third row uses bar 1 buttons from #8 to #12;
  • The forth row uses bar 2 buttons from #8 to #10;
  • The buttons #11 and #12 from bar 2 are not used and, therefore, hidden.

There is no change in the ElvUI functionality, bar paging works as normal.


Planned updates:
- Create an enabled/disabled button;
- Save ElvUI actual configuration before applying changes;
- Ability to choose what action bar to use;
- Pixel perfect backdrop (currently it can be enabled in bar 2, but have some issues);
- Configuration wizard on first load.