


NihilistUI logo

NihilistUI is an external edit for ElvUI that provides multiple additional and unique features.

Major Highlights:

- Automatically Filling Utility Bars:
- Portals/Teleports
- Professions
- Raid food/flasks
- Double click items in your bags or currencies to track them as you farm them.
- NihilistChat: A fully ElvUI integrated instant messaging environment.
- PartyXP: A never-publicly-released before extension to elvui that will allow you to see your party members experience bars as long as they are also running partyxp.
- Tracker bars for hidden artifact skin achievements.
- A logarithmic cooldown bar inspired by SexyCooldown directly integrated into ElvUI.
- The return of the Vertical Unit Frames and EnhancedNameplateAuras of yesteryear.
- For Demonology Warlocks: A demon counter showing you your currently active demons and how long they last.

Screenshot shown here is NihilistUI alongside Shadow & Light, ElvUI_BenikUI, ElvUI_MerathilisUI, ElvUI_LocPlus, CecileMeter_Overlay, and Kaliels Tracker, all highly recommended.

NihilistUI Screenshot

The installer is my UI setup, so skip it if you dont want my specific setup.

This is my own private interface that I am sharing here out of the kindness of my heart. It is provided AS-IS, without warranty or guarantee of purpose.

You may report issues on github but I do not guarantee they will be acted upon, though pull requests are welcome, with the understanding that upon doing so you give me the exclusive rights to the code committed.