Welcome to EmoteLDB! This is a DataBroker port of my old addon, EmoteFu. It is meant to give players an easily accessible menu of emotes. The emotes have been sorted by category (ie. Friendly", "Hostile", etc) to make it quite simple to quickly access the emote you want. Emotes can end up in more than one category, where applicable (ie. /dance can be found in "Happy" and "Affection").
Emotes in the list are colorized and marked with a label (A, V, AV) if they are Animated, Voice, or Both.
It is also possible to add your own custom emotes! To do so, simply edit the EmoteData.lua file. You will want to match the format exactly or that mod may no longer function! If that occurs, just replace the EmoteData.lua with a good copy from the zip.
This addon has no external dependencies, but does work best with a LibDataBroker display addon, such as Docking Station. In the absence of such an addon, it will operate from a minimap icon.
Known Bugs
There are no known issues at this time.
If you find a bug, please submit a ticket.
Localization framework has been added in version 40300-2.0!
- Localized strings are now needed!
- Strings to translate are available in localization.lua.
- If a string looks like L["Some String"] = true, then "Some String" is what needs translated
- If a string looks like L["Some String"] = "String text", then "String text" is what needs translated
- In the emote strings, anything in <> (ie. Target, He, She, etc) MUST remain as is for the addon to work. It is translated elsewhere.
- Please submit translations via a ticket.
Any bug reports or feature requests should be made via the Ticket System