Enhanced Raid Frames

Enhanced Raid Frames


[BUG] Translation content is missing.

EKE00372 opened this issue · 2 comments


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Issue description:

I just noticed that the translation progress is less than 50%. As I remember I submitted last June, then checking version 3.5.9 from last July, confirmed translations were accepted and included in the release at that time. Could you please restore them?


Hrm, translations are handled over on the Curseforge side. I'm not sure why they would have been removed....

Which locale is missing the translations?


Are you certain the translations were actually erroneously deleted? The strings have changed over time, and when a string changes the translation no longer aligns and Curseforge prunes them.

Edit: I just checked and what is in Curseforge is correct. The strings changed from July 2023, and many of the strings in version 3.5.9 are not the ones used in the version of the addon today, and many new ones have been added in their place. Please double check, but this is what I am seeing on my end.