- 2
Aura indicator position based on group/raid
#113 opened by jacobrreed - 4
[BUG] LUA errors: calling 'IsShown' on bad self
#112 opened by Fels-wow - 3
[BUG] Regression: Icon for indicator doesn't show
#114 opened by the-isz - 4
[BUG] `2x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'EnhancedRaidFrames' tried to call the protected function 'IsItemInRange()'.`
#115 opened by tflo - 4
Distinction between buffs and debuffs when tracking
#116 opened by tw1ZTER - 0
"Mount" state group for icon indicator
#117 opened by SawyerMBlack - 1
[BUG]Icons not disappearing after buffs/debuffs expires
#118 opened by Pappajente - 5
Making icons click through
#120 opened by badeanda - 2
Spells missing after Action Bar Button #5
#82 opened by Stclv - 1
Mouse stops working when using Indicatior Options
#83 opened by Stiaar - 0
Only show power bars for certain specs
#84 opened by steven-joruk - 1
Settings, or Configuration options are not showing up in Interface>addons
#85 opened by Nuhgsz - 1
Raid frame position settings stored in file possible?
#86 opened by SawyerMBlack - 0
Option to change color of power bar. I have mild colorblindness and it's hard to see the mana bar's current level.
#87 opened by SawyerMBlack - 1
Add role icon
#88 opened by marianchelmus - 0
Request: Preview Feature
#89 opened by ZetoxZ - 4
Offset reset to default after /reload
#90 opened by ZMXSSC - 0
Request: Background opacity only for out-of-range ppl
#91 opened by romper008 - 1
Default Buffs Are still being shown, There are no Options to Turn them off in the addon
#92 opened by Jangens1122 - 3
Can't see more than the default 3 buffs
#93 opened by palla89 - 1
Ability to hide the role icon and the name
#94 opened by Aleksander-Dorkov - 0
Add an icon for raid leader/assist.
#121 opened by CXWRTH - 1
Support for multiple buffs in a single location
#96 opened by 4bitfocus - 3
Text Stack Count Not Showing
#97 opened by mavrck48 - 1
Out-of-Range Change
#98 opened by Rustcole - 0
Raid/Party Leader and Assist icons.
#99 opened by Seidrrr - 1
Support for Heal prediction
#100 opened by Fauzltier - 0
Overlay party frame character portrait, with adjustable alpha and position
#101 opened by Derek-aka-Derek - 4
Post-10.1, Raid Frames icons (Warmode, Phasing, summon pending, etc) are not scaling with Raid Frame scale?
#102 opened by octykins - 1
Translate string missing
#104 opened by EKE00372 - 9
Cannot show full option
#106 opened by EKE00372 - 2
ACE3 Libs error on PTR
#107 opened by EKE00372 - 0
Request: Blacklist/Whitelist for default debuffs/buffs
#110 opened by bbcgit - 0
Request: Change the default Buffs/Debuffs anchor point and size
#111 opened by bbcgit - 0
Copy size/coordinate configs between positions
#122 opened by hianick - 0
[Cata Classic] Add Necrotic Strike Tracker
#123 opened by Jaesax - 6
[BUG][Retail] Target marker icon on wrong unit
#125 opened by mbattersby - 3
[BUG] Lua error with target markers in TWW pre-patch
#124 opened by mbattersby - 2
Pandemic glow
#127 opened by jacobrreed - 0
Improve ugly selection highlight and aggro highlight
#126 opened by tcournollet - 2
[BUG] Translation content is missing.
#128 opened by EKE00372 - 0
Additional Range for Out-of-Range options
#130 opened by DreNL - 1
#131 opened by Tasten4 - 4
#132 opened by PfeffaCatnip - 0
Target Markers not working in Cata Classic
#133 opened by orionshock - 1
Certain Buffs/Debuffs not showing up/being tracked
#76 opened by TripleXTN - 0
Cenarion ward buff gone(after triggered)
#77 opened by karahbo - 3
Highlight frame when dispellable
#78 opened by the-isz - 1
Show buffs that are *not* mine
#79 opened by bindi - 0
Show Player is on Vehicle
#80 opened by blabond