- 5
Suggestion: Fade out of range players
#23 opened by myzb - 2
Cant monitor Fearward
#24 opened by cyrax9 - 3
Stacks not working in the new versions.
#25 opened by fisken1991 - 2
Profiles has already been added to the Blizzard Options Window with the given path
#26 opened by lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit - 7
Icon on "Show only if missing"
#27 opened by lorem-ipsum-dolor-sit - 1
Not Working in Retail since last update thru Twitch desktop app.
#29 opened by Azure-ret - 0
No hiding of standard blizzard buffs
#31 opened by DomiDw - 1
Move Icon Indicators
#32 opened by ChrisKayn - 19
Be able to see more than 1 aura per indicator
#33 opened by ChrisKayn - 2
Glow on Icons
#34 opened by ChrisKayn - 9
Defaulting to 'fallback' icon
#35 opened by numbdig - 1
Blacklisting spells and debuffs
#36 opened by Nimeva - 6
Issue with "Mine Only Tracking"
#38 opened by Amissia - 2
Raid Issue Spam
#37 opened by ChrisKayn - 2
When raid member is dead, no indicators are displayed.
#39 opened by justjoshn - 2
Glow At Countdown Time doesn't reset
#40 opened by Amissia - 10
Conditional for an indicator based on spec.
#41 opened by eightflat - 1
Slash command shortcut.
#42 opened by eightflat - 1
Displaying dispel type via icon and some other small suggestions.
#44 opened by wow-dnb2 - 4
Ability to move icons by pixel
#45 opened by Bambiiqt - 1
Stack Options
#46 opened by Bambiiqt - 5
Ability to reposition text on the icon
#47 opened by Bambiiqt - 2
Stack Positioning
#48 opened by Bambiiqt - 1
Stack Color Option
#49 opened by Bambiiqt - 5
Groups in frame stacking
#50 opened by seriouz - 1
Icon border by dispel type - Suggestion
#51 opened by wow-dnb2 - 0
Indicator icons - Fading when out of range - Suggestion
#52 opened by wow-dnb2 - 0
Indicator warning - Suggestion
#53 opened by wow-dnb2 - 4
wow classic
#54 opened by webphut - 2
Localization FR : Indicator option panel is empty
#56 opened by ProogProog - 2
Color frames by debuff/arbitrary color
#57 opened by zeheras - 6
Timer for Greater Heal HOT (from priest t2 8/8) not working for other players
#55 opened by Anilusion - 3
Suggestion: Automatic profile switching based on Blizzard Raid Profiles
#58 opened by zeheras - 5
#59 opened by eightflat - 1
Request: Solo raid frames
#60 opened by slapzlol - 6
Cooldown Timer
#61 opened by Bekorise - 3
Lifebloom Focused Growth Stacks not tracking
#62 opened by omgdrew - 0
Green confirmation aura of the trading window disappears after EnhancedRaidFrames is enabled in WoW Classic
#63 opened by liule024 - 5
#64 opened by TheSoultrigger - 4
Suggestion/Request: Wildcard for non-dispellable debuffs
#65 opened by acsevajulia - 1
Removing the Party 1 Party 2 etc text above the raid frames.
#66 opened by Avishai97 - 1
Feature to EnhancedRaidFrames regarding Party/Raid Leader (Crown Symbol)
#67 opened by kise948 - 1
more font options
#69 opened by mspykerez - 0
position options
#68 opened by mspykerez - 0
#70 opened by azzerah1 - 1
Concatenate nil value error casting spell from a macro
#71 opened by CosmicCleric - 4
Timer text appearing behind Stock Buff/Debuff Icons?
#72 opened by eightflat - 1
Side-by-side buff/HOTs (like default)
#73 opened by Fiveby21 - 23
misaligned icons by 1 pixel issue.
#74 opened by wayser1 - 4
Addon does not function in Classic
#75 opened by justjoshn