Enhanced Raid Frames

Enhanced Raid Frames


Be able to see more than 1 aura per indicator

ChrisKayn opened this issue ยท 19 comments


The main issue here is that if you want to use the anchor BOTTOM LEFT for debuffs for example, like really BIG, and want to track multiple debuffs or whatever, it will just show 1 one debuff, the one that you put first on the lines of that anchor. It will be incredibly good for configuration to add an option that multiple auras can be seen per anchor and they arrenge upwards, backwards, right, left, whatever.


Any update on this feature? This is very helpful for mythic+. Id like to be able to track my buffs on party members around the frame which is great but I don't want to lose the default blizzard debuff implemtation of having 3 debuffs listed. Sometimes people get multiple debuffs on boss fights that are important to see at the same time.


The more I think about this, the more I wonder if it's necessary. Can you give me a use case where tracking multiple auras in a single spot is required over putting the auras into the 9 spots already provided? Do we need to track more than 9 things at once?

My concern is that the indicators are already very small as it is with 9, let alone if we start adding sub-indicators. The size would be so small to fit them all that it would effectively make the text and icon impossible to see


I remember I wanted this because theres no profile per spec or per class, so when I was using my paladin and then my priest I couldnt see some auras because they were using the same place, ,but yes u have a point, currently im happy with the addon as it is, but i think you should add something per character


There are profile's per spec, per class, and per character actually and have been for quite a while. You can find them under the "Profile" menu option


Oh great, do you think its possible to move the anchors though?


For tooltips?

Edit* Either way, I just added a feature to set the tooltips to either show on the cursor, or in the default Blizzard location (bottom right corner)


No, like move the actual icon a little to the left or right for example on the party frame or raid frame


Yes that has been implemented for a few weeks now. Check your config panel


I am getting this error

757x RaidFrameIndicators\AuraIndicators.lua:166: Attempt to access forbidden object from code tainted by an AddOn
[string "=[C]"]: in function GetName' [string "@RaidFrameIndicators\AuraIndicators.lua"]:166: in function UpdateIndicators'
[string "@RaidFrameIndicators\EnhancedRaidFrames.lua"]:58: in function <...ceRaidFrameIndicators\EnhancedRaidFrames.lua:58>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `CompactUnitFrame_UpdateAuras'
[string "@FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua"]:101: in function <FrameXML\CompactUnitFrame.lua:54>

(*temporary) = ForbiddenNamePlate17UnitFrame {
0 =
WidgetContainer = {
classificationIndicator = {
castBar = {
maxDispelDebuffs = 0
inVehicle = false
optionTable =

overAbsorbGlow = {
totalAbsorb = {
myHealPrediction = {
aggroHighlight = {
hideCastbar = true
myHealAbsorbRightShadow = {
overHealAbsorbGlow = {
newUnit = true
selectionHighlight = {
myHealAbsorbLeftShadow = {
ClassificationFrame = {
unit = "nameplate17"
unitExists = true
disableMouse = true
otherHealPrediction = {
BuffFrame = {
name = {
totalAbsorbOverlay = {
myHealAbsorb = {
maxBuffs = 0
maxDebuffs = 0
RaidTargetFrame = {
healthBar = {
displayedUnit = "nameplate17"
LoseAggroAnim = {


Please open a new ticket for issues not related this one, and please provide more context, i.e. what were you doing, where, etc etc.


By default, Blizzard will track 3 or so debuffs on frames to that bottom left anchor. In PvP this is useful because often times you pair it with a set of commands to actually extend the amount of debuffs shown per frame. Say I stop using Blizzard default tracking and use "Poison, Magic, Curse, etc." modifiers. Then a person has both Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch on them it would only show the one instead of pushing it to the side and displaying both magic debuffs. Same thing applies to something like full feral dots. I'm not sure if you support bleed tracking, but being able to see all the feral DoTs on a player at a single time is very valuable. In a PvE aspect, in the Workshop portion of Mechagon there are the mobs that put Arcing Zap on players. This debuff doesn't stack and is instead treated as an individual debuff with each application. Healers more than likely prioritize dispelling the person who has more than one instance of the debuff opposed to the person with just one. However, its hard to tell how many debuffs a person has if only one is available to view at a time. I think that's where the practical application of being able to see more than one aura lies.


Interesting. There are some limitations though, I.e. There's just not enough physical room on each indicator to accommodate all possible debuffs on a player. The idea with the indicator tracking as-is was to track what you are able to dispell. Granted, you can always mark specific debuffs to watch for by name, but it just isn't built at the moment to effectively work by showing "all" debuffs. At any point in time a person may have 5-10+ debuffs, and I just can't think of a way to sanely illustrate those all.

I'm all ears though. If you can think of a clever and not overly convoluted way to do so, I'll code it


Sadly, I don't have the brain for something like that, but I am fairly good with ideas behind systems and not so much the systems themselves.

I'm not sure if this is of any help to you, but here are the scripts I run when I start my game and plan do PvP or do M+. You can probably make more sense of the scripts than I can, but I believe that they are essentially recreating the debuff anchor and unlocking the amount of debuffs shown. An issue that comes with just using this method for M+ is that with things like Griveous/Challengers burden it doesn't adjust debuffs accordingly and they end up being overwritten and falling under other anchors.

(They're run in this order as well)

Script 1:
/run function sp(f,i) tr="TOPRIGHT";f2=f.debuffFrames;s=f2[1]:GetWidth();f3=f2[i];f3:SetSize(s,s);f3:ClearAllPoints();if i>6 then f3:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",f2[i-3],tr,0,0) else f3:SetPoint(tr,f2[1],tr,-(s*(i-3)),0) end end

Script 2:
/run function CBF(f,i) bf=CreateFrame("Button",f:GetName().."Debuff"..i,f,"CompactDebuffTemplate");bf.baseSize=22;bf:SetSize(f.buffFrames[1]:GetSize()) end;function mv(f) for i=4,12 do sp(f,i) end end

Script 3:
/run function mv3(f) CompactUnitFrame_SetMaxDebuffs(f,12); if not f.debuffFrames[4] then for i=4,12 do CBF(f,i) end end mv(f) end;hooksecurefunc("CompactUnitFrame_UpdateDebuffs",function(f) if f:GetName():match("^Compact") then mv3(f) end end);


Hi, I'm also very interested in this feature, playing Rdruid, and in my case, i'd like to have Rejuvenation, Germination, Regrowth all in the same spot next to each other

What about letting user add extra indicator, where you select the anchor location (e.g. Top Left) and can set different horizontal and vertical offset.

A solution like this shouldn't require too much refactoring and geta rid of the "not enough room" problem, it basically let's user create new spots wherever they want.


This definitely seems like it could be one approach to this feature, but as Britt said above:

My concern is that the indicators are already very small as it is with 9, let alone if we start adding sub-indicators. The size would be so small to fit them all that it would effectively make the text and icon impossible to see

For your case, assuming you aren't using all 9 anchors, or even if you are they do support horizontal and vertical offset with the recent updates. So you can easily put your HoTs all right next to one another. I know I'm literally no help when it comes to helping with the coding aspect, but I do think that keeping only 9 anchors and growing off of them should be the focus.


I made a fork of an old version (2.3.0) for just this purpose because I needed this for classic, since as a priest I had 10 different buffs to keep track of these to prevent overwriting other priests' buffs as the default UI would not show them.

It's a bit crude of an implementation using 6 preassigned indicators per corner, though it performs very well.

I will try to see if I can bring the changes up to version 3.1. However, the fort also has a number of other features mixed in; A combat toggle and a mouseover bug fix where the auras from this addon would block mouseover casts. So I will see if I can separate them into independent features, before a potential pull request.


Pull requests are welcome! I'm certain you'll have to modify your code a great deal, as it's effectively a different codebase since 2.3.

As to the main topic of this thread, I have ideas for having up to 4 indicators per position, leading to 36 possible indicators. Any more than 4 I feel would be extreme. With 4 we can split one indicator into a 2x2 grid, and the math to resize and reshape these mini-grids dynamically won't be too complex.


I too want this, it's just going to take a while to implement it. I need to refactor a lot of the logic as it is right now to make this more feasible. Hang in there


I don't know if you're still working on it, but it would be useful!