Enhanced Raid Frames

Enhanced Raid Frames


Suggestion/Request: Wildcard for non-dispellable debuffs

acsevajulia opened this issue ยท 4 comments



I was wondering if it would be possible to handle and display dispellable and non-dispellable debuffs on the raid frames separately from each other.


I try to place dispellable debuffs in a more noticeable position, for example in the middle of the raidframe instead of the (blizzard) default bottom left corner, and while this certainly can be done with your addon, this duplicates dispellable debuffs, as the stock debuffs also display these in their defult bottom left corner position. I would like to have the stock debuffs displayed, but only those that are NOT dispellable.

To my understanding, if I disable stock debuff icons in the general options, this will remove every debuff the default raidframe would show me, and the only debuffs I can configure separately in the addon are the ones that are dispellable (by entering Magic, Disease and Poison in the field).

(The Stock dispellable Icons are currently turned off, but this seems to remove only the default little dots, right?)

Currently I am using the dispellable icon indicator to help me out, but it would be greatt if I could somehow configure dispellable debuffs and non-dispellables separately from each other.

If adding a 'Debuff' wildcard is not feasible, would it be possible to somehow negate current wildcards? like 'NOT Magic', perhaps?

Thank you!


I was just about to right an enhancement request for this. @acsevajulia, assign it to @brittyazel and add the enhancement tag to it so he does not miss it. Just adding an non-dispellable wild card would be great.


This is exactly what I am looking for as well. What I did in the meantime was just add a color icon for the two dispellable types I have so it is technically duplicated, but at least it is not the same icon. So if I see the color square show up in the middle, I know I can dispel a debuff but I can still look at the icon if I want to.


I'm looking for something similar. I currently use vuhdo but would like to switch to your cleaner/more user friendly format. The one thing that makes me hesitate is more obvious alert on debuffs that require my action. I'd like an option more obvious than proposed above (dot in middle of frame --though that would work for a minimum). But I'd love to be able to change the frame color or frame border so there's more to get my attention for dispel. I think this would work for the two above as well. I don't mind doing this by debuff because I usually color code -- brown means there's a heal absorb I have to heal off, magenta means dispel, black means they aren't healable etc... I'd like to be able to get frames, borders or some other obvious indicator to continue my color code alerts. Maybe you could call it alerts ... based on health or debuff have allow change of color?


Hi all, sorry for the late response, life happened and I had a baby :D
I am not able to assign this issue it seems. (Granted, I am not familiar with Github, but I don't have the option to assign the task at the assignee section). I can't add a label, either.
Mentioning @brittyazel for some assistance.
Thank you!