


An addon that shows a enhancement shaman what spell or ability they should use to maximize dps. Only supports shamans of level 85 and above.

How to use it

EnhaPrio displays the suggested skills/spells as a queue of icons that change according to procs and cooldowns. The skill you should use is always at the front of the queue, displayed as a bigger icon. Upcoming cooldowns are shown at the end of the queue. There are also small icons for passive long cooldown skill tracking (Feral Spirit, Fire Elemental Totem and Ascendance) that are visible when those spells are not on cooldown. When you drop a Magma Totem the addon automatically switches to AoE priority mode that is better suited for fights with multiple opponents.


The priority list at the moment (under periodical revising):

Single target

  1. Elemental Mastery
  2. Fire Elemental, if Blood lust is up
  3. Ascendance
  4. Searing Totem, if not up
  5. Elemental Blast with mw stack > 1
  6. Unleash Elements, if specced to Unleash Fury
  7. Lightning Bolt, if there are 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon
  8. Stormstrike / Windstrike
  9. Flame Shock, if missing and Unleash Flame buff
  10. Lava Lash
  11. Flame Shock, if Unleash Flame buff and dropping soon
  12. Unleash Elements
  13. Lightning Bolt, if mw stack 3 or more, UF debuff on and time to cast
  14. Ancestral Swiftness, if you have it
  15. Lightning Bolt if ancestral swiftness is up
  16. Frost Shock
  17. Feral Spirit
  18. Earth Elemental
  19. Lightning Bolt, if more than one stacks of mw and time to cast
  20. Searing Totem, renew it if nothing else to do

Area of Effect

  1. Fire Nova totem when expiring
  2. Unleash Elements
  3. Flame Shock when under 10s left and UF is up
  4. Lava Lash when more than 20s left on Flame Shock
  5. Fire Nova
  6. Chain Lightning when 5 stacks of MW
  7. Stormstrike

Elemental Specialization

There is a priority for elemental spec again. Elemental mode is in testing and not necessarily perfect as far as the priorities go. If you have suggestions for the elemental spec, let me know.

Key features

  • Customizable icons (size, spacing, amount)
  • Supports Masque
  • Simple Maelstrom Weapon tracker
  • Simple timer for Flame Shock dot on target
  • Passive trackers for Feral Spirit, Fire Elemental Totem and Ascendance
  • AoE mode that switches the priority to AoE priority when using Magma Totem
  • Localization: English, German, Spanish


You can get to the settings by typing /ep or /enhaprio or use the games interface options pane. You can also set key bindings in the games "Key Bindings" UI.

Planned features

AoE priority probably needs some revising. Elemental priority needs checking and tweaking.

Known Bugs

The german client has two spells called Windstoß. One is the Interrupt Wind Shear the other one ist the Ascendence version of Stromstrike called Windstrike. If you use Windstoß (the SS version) the addon does not know that the ability is on cooldown. So you get a top priority for Windstoß as long Ascendance is runnig and you are not using Wind Shear. After Ascendence expired the addon is working as expected.

To Be Done

  • Only Enhancement tested so far
  • Test Elemental Priority or get rid of it
  • Optimzie the enhanchment Priority
  • Workaround for the Windstoß problem with the german client


Stormcat for the pre WoD AddOn
tgunlie (ShamWow_Enhance) for original concept
Phanx for localization help