Hungry Raid

Hungry Raid


Hungry Raid

Version 1.1

  • Changed the code to credit EP with Ambiguate function(<player> or <player>-<realm>).
  • Changed the report to show who didn't used consumables.

Version 1.0

Hungry Raid tracks Food, Flask, Rune, Potion and Pre-Potion on your raid boss fight, and show you in a frame the result after fight with 3 options.

  • Credit EP and Report: It automaticaly credit EP (when epgp dkp reloaded addon installed) with value configured and shows it on raid chat.
  • Report: Show result on raid chat.
  • Cancel: Just abort.

EPGP Integration with addon "EPGP (dkp reloaded)"

Slash Commands :

  • /hr: Show help
  • /hr help: Show help
  • /hr options: Show options frame
  • /hr last: show last fight result

On configurations (/hr) you can chose:

Raids to control:
  • Highmaul
  • Blackrock Foundry
  • Hellfire Citadel
  • Normal
  • Heroic
  • Mythic
  • Flasks
  • Runes
  • Food (100 or 125)
  • Potions
  • Pre-Potions

Considered consumables not configured by user:

  • Greater Draenic Stamina Flask
  • Greater Draenic Intellect Flask
  • Greater Draenic Agility Flask
  • Greater Draenic Strength Flask
  • Draenic Intellect Potion
  • Draenic Agility Potion
  • Draenic Strength Potion
  • Draenic Armor Potion
  • Draenic Mana Potion
  • Draenic Channeled Mana Potion
Foods 100 (Savage Feast)
  • Critical Strike
  • Versatility
  • Haste
  • Multistrike
  • Mastery
Foods 125:
  • Buttered Sturgeon
  • Jumbo Sea Dog
  • Pickled Eel
  • Salty Squid Roll
  • Sleeper Sushi
  • Whiptail Fillet (187 stamina, but on 125 table)
  • Focus Augmentation
  • Hyper Augmentation
  • Stout Augmentation