


I'm going to discontinue this addon with WoW 8.0(BfA), since the removal of master looter makes EPGP useless.

EPGPRollMaster helps the master looter to distribute loot and EPGP-Points in a fast and easy way. How? It uses the built-in "Roll"-option to ask everybody in the raid to roll on an item. Need is for your Mainspec and Greed for your Offspec. Instead of displaying the actual roll results in the loot history (/loot), the addon shows the loot priority (PR) of EPGP. As master looter you can now still decide who gets the item and GPs with just one click.

Reasons for this addon:

  • only the loot master need to have EPGPRollMaster installed
  • speed up loot distribution with parallel rolls
  • no whispering


  • One Button to roll them all - start as master looter rolls on all items from your loot frame with just one click.
  • hides all passes in a raid to clean up the loot history a bit
  • shows loot priority instead of roll results in loot history
  • switch back to roll results with the toggle button at the top
  • different colors for players above and under the minimum EP
  • assign as master looter items and GPs simply from a rightclick on the player in your loot history
  • set up an offspec modifier to give discount on all greeded items

Requires epgp (dkp reloaded)

Have you found any bug or do you have some suggestions? Please let me know on curseforge. Also, you can help me to localize it into your language.