Epsi Iskar Assist

Epsi Iskar Assist


This addon was written by the guild Epsilon (EU-Kirin Tor) in order to handle more easier the Eye of Anzu.

Since the 7.0 release, the role is no longer assigned by default. As a result, the addon may not display correctly the raid. In this case, you will need to check if everyone has a role because Epsi Iskar Assist doesn't add the players having no role in the raid frame.

What it does :

  • Create an unit frame of your raid sorted by roles (it can't be changed)
  • Show the player who holds the Eye of Anzu
  • Left Click : Pass the Eye of Anzu to the player
  • Right Click : Dispel the player
  • Show the debuffs by a frame color

Color code (default) :

  • Red : Phantasmal Winds
  • Purple : Phantasmal Wounds
  • Green : Fel Bomb
  • Yellow : Phantasmal Corruption
  • Brown : Dark Bindings

Epsi Iskar uses a priority system to show the debuff that has the most importance.
This priority is : Fel Bomb > Phantasmal Winds > Dark Bindings > Phantasmal Wounds > Phantasmal Corruption

Options :

You can customize the debuff colors or hide a specific debuff.

Commands :

  • /iskar show : Show the iskar frame
  • /iskar hide : Hide the iskar frame
  • /iskar lock : Lock the iskar frame
  • /iskar unlock : Unlock the iskar frame

You can also use the alias /eia with the same arguments shown above.
i.e : /eia show