EskaTracker : Objectives

EskaTracker : Objectives


NEW: October, 8th. My new addon Syling Tracker is now available.

July, 8th:I posted an information about of future of EskaTracker.

The addon is a plugin for EskaTracker which adds the tracking of quests and others objectives such as world quest, scenario, dungeon and keystone (mythic +).


  • Sorting quests by distance and by group
  • Filtering quests by zone (not enabled by default)
  • TomTom support

Content supported

  • Quests
  • World Quests
  • Scenario 
  • Dungeon
  • Keystone (Mythic +)
  • Bonus objectives
  • Achievements
  • Warfront

Bug reports & Feature requests

Thank to use the ticket tracker for reporting a bug or requesting a feature.


Q: Why the quest item icons contained within the tracker are not interactive ? 

A: Following to Blizzard restrictions, i cannot to make them interactive (uses the item) without causing taint errors and issues to tracker. So the solution has been simply to:

  • Display the item texture with its tooltip for noticing this quest has an item.
  • Let the interactive part to quest items bar which has been specially designed for that (see the next question on how to create it).

Q: Where is the quest items bar ?

A: By default, this one isn't created. You need to follow these steps for achieving that.

  1. Go in the EskaTracker options.
  2. Go in the 'Action Bars' tree category.
  3. Create a new 'Action Bar'. Choose the name you want (e.g, quest items).
  4. Go in the options of action bar newly created, you can here change its settings. 
  5. To finish, you need to link the quest items to this action bar. So go in 'Actions Buttons' Tab -> 'Category Mode' then check 'Quest items'.
  6. Now, you can enjoy your quest items bar.