


EventAssistant was specifically made for the charity event the Running of the Gnomes, but can be used for any other similar event.

The event organizers are using multiple guilds to recruit the participants and count them. I made this add-on to help and ease this process as much as possible.


  • While the add-on is active, you can shift-click on a chat name to invite someone to your guild.
  • You can shift-click the target frame to invite your target to your guild.
  • You can open the main UI using the minimap button or by typing the /eva command. In this UI you have
    • Guild stats: online members, offline members, remaining places available in your guild
    • A big button to remove all offline members in one click (be careful with this one. Note that it will only remove members you can remove, meaning at a lower guild rank than you).
    • A queue of players asking for invitations is maintained in the background. If a player asked to be invited in /say, /yell, /whispers or any numbered channel, they will be added to the invite queue. Invite all players in the queue with one click on the Invite queue button.
  • The minimap button will flash when someone asked for an invite and hasn't been invited yet.