Extended Character Stats

Extended Character Stats


Extended Character Stats

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A simple addon to list all the available stats not displayed in the character info pane by default


Issues / Bug reports

Please file any reports of issues and/or bugs to the GitHub Repository!


Installing lua

  1. Install Lua (5.1, since the WoW client uses Lua 5.1)
  2. Install luarocks
    • For macOS that is brew install luarocks
  3. Configure luarocks to use the correct Lua version (by default luarocks uses the latest installed Lua version)
    • luarocks config lua_version 5.1
  4. Install busted
    • luarocks install busted
  5. Install luacheck
    • luarocks install luacheck


This project uses luacheck for linting. To run the linter, execute the following command:

luacheck -q .

Unit Tests

This project uses busted for unit testing. To run the tests, execute the following command:

busted -p ".test.lua" .


If you like this addon and want to support the development of it, you can do so here: