EZLoatheb Classic

EZLoatheb Classic


EZLoatheb is an addon to help coordinate heals on Loatheb.
This addon should only be installed if you are a healer (Paladin, Priest, Druid, or Shaman)

If you are not healing on this fight, make sure you disable this addon during the fight.
The window can be shown/hidden with /loatheb


1.  A single main tank must be specified in /raidinfo.  Do not mark more than one main tank.

2.  Check that all healers' lists are the same.  You may need to /reload if your list is different from other's.  If you are not healing on this fight, disable the addon.

3.  When the window turns Yellow, you are next up to heal.  Just get ready but do not use any abilities yet.

4.  When the window turns Green, use your heal immediately.


EZLoatheb does NOT follow a set rotation for healers.  Instead, the higher up you are in the list, the higher your priority to heal is.  If you have not made it through an entire healer rotation before the first player's debuff comes off cooldown, the first player will be prioritized to heal again.

You can use this to your advantage by placing healers who may need to DPS or have spells like Lay on Hands towards the end of the list.

If EZLoatheb expects a player to heal and he does not, this will cause a backup for all players in the list.  It is very important that healers cast their heal immediately when the indicator turns green.

There currently isn't any easy way to rearrange the list of healers, but in general healers in earlier groups will show up earlier on the list.  Eg. healers in group 1 will come before group 2

Our guild has successfully downed Loatheb using this addon with a ~10k health tank and a rotation of 12 healers.