Faction Transfer Analyzer


What it does

The Faction Transfer Analyzer assists with an automatic comparison of the changes that will occur should you choose to transfer your characters factions.

Blizzard has provided a detailed explanation here however if you're worried about your reputations, or mounts, it may take you a long time to analyze what will occur when you transfer. That's where this addon comes into play. It will assist you by providing a summary of what will change based off your characters current status.

Testing Information

Right now this mod is in testing. As of 0.4Beta, all the mount and reputation transfers are in place. Please report a bug if you find an issue.


I have setup a donation site via Pledgie. Feel free to donate if you like this mod. I have put countless hours of time and effort into it along with many people who have helped me. I did not write this mod with the intent to make any money from it. I wrote it to help me with some needs that I saw in-game, and well with requests and my goal to make it filled with information it's become a massive project.

If you don't wish to donate money feel free to consider one of the following methods which may be more suitable:

  • Volunteer time at your local animal shelter such as the Society for Prevention of Cruelty for Animals (SPCA) or drop a few bucks off for them. If you do this, please let me know.
  • Send me some UDE Points. These points are obtained from the World of Warcraft TCG and Mini game.
  • Send some gold to one of the authors in-game or help out with some achievements, or even send a message saying thanks. :)
    • Ackis Thunderlord (US) Ackis
      • Ackis is currently looking for a guild (along with his girlfriend). We're looking for a guild which has competent people that can progress through the hard modes, aren't full of themselves and raids somewhat casually (2-3 nights a week).

Where to get it

How to get it to work

This mod works via slash commands only. The main slash command is /fta.

/fta (Transfer Race) (Origin Race)

The slash command takes two parameters, the first being the race you wish to transfer to, the second being the race you are transferring from. The second command is optional.


/fta orc

- Transfer from current race to orc

/fta orc human

- Transfer from a human to orc

/fta ne be

- Transfer from a blood elf to night elf

Feature Requests/Bug Reporting

Read the Bug Reporting and Feature Requesting information before submitted a bug report or feature request. Posting reports in the comments is not the place to do so. I had to turn off the comments at Curse.com because of constant bug reports and feature requests. Comments are for questions on how to use the mod. Please follow these small little instructions to make my life easier. The easier you make development for Ackis Recipe List, the more time I will have to develop other addons.

Bug Reports

Please use the wowace tracker to file bug reports. Posting bugs in the comments is not the place to do it.

Feature Request

Please use the wowace tracker to add suggestions and feature requests. Not all suggestions will be accepted, there are a lot of people using this addon and I'll try to make it as user friendly, but when a decision is made please accept it.