Farm PvP

Farm PvP


Farm PvP

Farm PvP

Farm PvP is a World of Warcraft addon for tracking how much honor and conquest are needed for a full set of seasonal PvP gear.

It is meant for the player to easily get an overview of what's required to be competitive in terms of gear. Currently, it shows three points of interest. First, the total amount of conquest for a full set of PvP gear. Secondly, the amount of total honor required to upgrade currently equipped gear based on the player's best rank during the week. Thirdly, the total amount of honor to upgrade to the highest effective rank for PvP (currently Duelist), also based on currently equipped items.


/fp or /farmpvp to get a list of commands. These are the currently supported commands:

  • /fp show to display the addon
  • /fp hide to hide it
  • /fp lock to unlock/hide the frame
  • /fp calc or /fp calculate to manually calculate upgrade cost based on currently equipped PvP gear

