Field Guide
Best used with TomTom!
If you notice any inaccuracies or bugs please create an issue on the GitHub page.
/fg and /fieldguide will open the window.
/fg minimap and /fieldguide minimap will toggle the minimap button on or off.
- Use shift + scroll to scroll horizontally.
- Left click on a spell to pin the nearest trainer on the map and minimap.
- Right click to mark spells as unwanted.
- Shift-right click a spell to mark all ranks of that spell as unwanted.
- Drag any spell (even ones not learned yet) from the addon onto an action bar.
- Shows you which spells each class learns every level to plan when you need to go back to town (includes Warlock demon spells and Hunter pet skills).
- Shows you which classes can learn which weapon skills (staves, one-handed swords and so on).
- Tells you how much each spell/weapon skill costs to train so you know if you can afford it or not (includes PvP rank and reputation modifiers).
- You can filter out known spells and/or talents.
- You can mark unwanted spells by right clicking on them. Shift-right clicking on a spell will mark all the ranks of that spell.
- You can drag a spell from the addon onto an action bar.
- Clicking on a spell will direct you to the closest class trainer not taking into account any flight paths/boats etc. by making a pin on your map/minimap. If TomTom is installed, the addon will show the Crazy Arrow for you as well.
- Similarly, clicking on any weapon skill will show the closest trainer for that skill not taking into account any flight paths/boats etc. (also lists where all trainers are when hovering over each skill).