FigUI is a World of Warcraft AddOn that provides several movable unit frames that replace the default Blizzard frames.

Example of the default layout of FigUI

What FigUI Provides

  • Player Frame
    • Custom resource bars for each class
      • Feral Druid Combo Points not yet supported
  • Target Frame
  • Target of Target Frame
  • Pet Frame
  • Debuff Tracker Frame
    • Larger frame dedicated to displaying information about the player's debuffs on the target

What FigUI Doesn't Provide

  • Party / Raid Frames
  • Cast bars
  • Nameplates


  • /fig, /fighelp - Display help text / available commands
  • /figlock - Toggle frame locks to allow frames to be moved
  • /figdebug - Enable internal debug logging output to chat window


  • Combo points resource display for Feral Druid
  • Show alternate resource bar on player frame for classes with a secondary resource
  • Per-frame Configuration
  • Focus Frame
  • Visual pass (slim things down -- improve the design)
  • Add texturing to all the custom resource bars

Other Screenshots

Alternate sample layout of FigUI Another sample layout of FigUI with additional AddOns Example of FigUI with frames unlocked and ready to move Full screenshot of sample layout of FigUI with additional AddOns