


FixehTip is a simple addon that modifies the default look and functionality of your Tooltip.

Main features (most optional)

  • Full customizable mouse anchor
  • Can move and scale the Tooltip
  • Font outline
  • Guild rank
  • Target of target
  • Targeted by (number of people targeting something in raid)
  • Reaction colored background/border/health bar
  • Class colored class/name/border/health bar
  • Item quality colored background/border
  • Appended text for AFK/DND/Corpse/Ghost/Tapped
  • Instant fade
  • Can hide player title/server
  • Can hide health bar/border
  • Can hide PvP and faction text
  • Can change background/border/health color and alpha
  • Level colored by difficulty
  • Purple guild for players in your guild

Options: /fixehtip