


Primary purpose: provide an easy command to include in a macro to manually fix tainted raid frames. This works by having the addon click the checkbox for you twice at Interface>Raid Profiles>Keep Groups Together. Doing this refreshes the display of the raid frames.

Other options included: click the checkbox once (switches to other group display mode), force the checkbox to checked, and force the checkbox to unchecked.

Nothing to configure. Works entirely through slash command /ftrf or /FixTaintedRaidFrames as shown here (this is the in-game usage help):

FixTaintedRaidFrames usage
Works on Interface>Raid Profiles>Keep Groups Together
/ftrf fix - toggles K.G.T. twice to fix tainted frames
/ftrf toggle - toggles K.G.T. once to opposing state
/ftrf check - K.G.T. checked
/ftrf uncheck - K.G.T. unchecked
Include second argument "verbose" to get confirmation
/ftrf fix verbose - example with confirmation message