Flag Generator

Flag Generator


Flag Generator v0.1

This is a simple addon to generate flags within the game

You can change the position of the flag by clicking TOP.

Up to 20 Flags 5 Maximun per flag

Images only you can see.

Open Help: /fgh



- Alliance Flag : /af af2 /af3 /af4 /af5

- Horde Flag: /qf qf2 /qf3 /qf4 /qf5

- Alliance Three Flag: /atf /atf2 /atf3 /atf4 /atf5

- Horde Three Flag: /qtf qtf2 /qtf3 /qtf4 /qtf5

- You can hide the flag with a double click on TOP

- Clear all : /aqaq

- Help: /fgh

Discord :  https://discord.gg/pjsTwRzJJ4

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