


Spend less time fiddling with talents and specializations by changing them in a flash!

FlashTalent is a simple talents addon to speed up swapping talents and specializations. The addon also includes an optional automatic equipment set changer to switch your item set when you change specialization.


To begin with you must assign a key bind for the addon. In case one has not been set the addon should prompt for it. If not, go to the Key Bindings menu from the Game Menu (hint: press ESC) and then browse to AddOns category. From there you will find the option to bind a key. Additionally you can also bind key for the quick spec switch and equipment set menu.

If you wish you can also use slash commands /ft or /flashtalent to open FlashTalent window.

To move the frame hold down alt key and drag it with mouse.

When FlashTalent is open you can click a talent on a row to learn it. This is possible when you are out of combat, and resting or have used required tome or codex.

In the upper right corner you can find the specializations and equipment sets button.

Hovering the button will open specializations menu where you can change your specialization at will to any other. FlashTalent will track what specializations you have used previously and clicking the button after will allow you to quick switch between your most recently used specializations. Optional keybind can also be used for this.

Right click on the button will open equipment sets list where you can equip and update your existing sets and configure automatic set switcher.