



This AddOn allows you to see all hidden factions of NPCs in tooltips. That means factions like the Scourge, the Dragonmaw Clan or the Razormane Quillboars are now displayed in-game. All data was already in the game, but hidden away from players.

Some old factions removed by Blizzard during 1.6 are also back like the Silvermoon Remnants and the Revantusk Trolls.

Why? Because why not!

FlavorFactions just reveals some additional small bits of lore and can give you hints whether mobs are aggro-linked with each other or not.


  • AddOn is for World of Warcraft Classic at the moment, although it may be expanded to Retail in the future.
  • Supported localization are "enUS", "deDE", "esES", "esMX", "frFR", "koKR", "ptBR", "ruRU", "zhCN" and "zhTW"
  • Help is welcome, do not hesitate to contribute by visiting the project on GitHub!