


Flourish displays finished (not yet turned in) quests as part of the current experience gained.

You've been questing all day to hit that next level you go to town and bam you turned in everything and still didn't level. Well now you can tell right from you experience bar if you will level from your current quests or not, maybe grind a few mobs before hearthing to town or finish that other small quest in the area.

In the screenshot the top one shows a yellow bar indicating how far completed quests will get you in your current level. The bottom green bar means you will hit the next level when turning in all or some of your completed quests.

The quest xp is not included in the mouse over text of current experience.

Suggest and Ideas are accepted as long as they pertain to the mod
-I am not making a quest log window
-I am not keeping a history of quests
-I am not auto accepting/turning in quests

Support For the Following XP Bar Addons
-XPBarNone Support
-stExperience Support
-SpartanUI (untested just left the code in)
-ElvUI (From moxyll)

*Known Bugs*
Somtimes the Bar provided by this addon displays above the standard blizzard xp bar instead of behind it. It is a limitation of how I display it. It cannot be fixed unless I recode the action bar xml file. Reloading your UI can fix it sometimes.
