Flower Power

Flower Power



Why Did You Do This?

I made this addon for a guildmate called Flower. He always complains that you cannot set "Current Expansion Only" as a a default filter in the Auction House. I made this addon to do exactly that. When you open the Auction House window it automatically selects "Current Expansion Only". When the addon is running the Filter Button changes it's text to FPX ON and the Search button to FlowerSearch.


These are mostly for debugging and testing but here they are:

  • /fpx - will display the options in your chat window
  • /fpx off - will de-select "Current Expansion Only" and revert the Button Texts
  • /fpx on - will select "Current Expansion Only and toggle the button text back to custom

Any Future Plans?

I might add an entirely unnecessary defaults window where you can set custom defaults. None of this is needed. I have ADHD