Ever wanted to treat your party members more like minions (I mean, what are they contributing anyways)?
Now you can!
Drag your friends around and park them where you please, as if they're your favorite combat pet!
Force them to summon their mount --- even that shiny Brutosaur, because let's be honest: Hearthing is for suckers.
Lightweight, efficient, with easy to use buttons that let you puppet your friends to your heart's content, Follow the Leader is at your command.
Best part? You don't even have to be the leader.
A quick note, for FTL to work, both you and your min---I mean friend, have to have the addon.
--- Techno stuff
As stated above, anyone who wants to use this needs the addon. There is a notification system to alert you when someone stops following you. Random mounts are chosen from their favorites, so make sure they have some designated. Buttons for special mounts won't show if they don't have them. This addon has been tested for Alliance, any Horde that have problems please leave them in the comments below. Also couldn't afford the Brutosaur so it's untested as well.