Fours ( 4S )

Fours ( 4S )


Easy marker of your target:

  • Marking units by name, part of the name, target or focus
  • Group synchronization
  • Easy installation of labels through the slash commands or binds
  • Label history

\Slash commands:

  • Adds a mark to the character within the field of view
    \4s mark NickName MarkName

  • Search for units by name, partial name, target or focus
    \4s search NickName MarkName

  • Open Binding Menu
    \4s bind

  • Reset all binding

    \4s bind reset

  • Resetting Main Marks
    \4s reset main

  • Resetting Group Marks
    \4s reset group

  • Resetting All Marks
    \4s reset all

\4s mark
\4s mark Greenelephant-Galakrond
\4s mark Greenelephant
\4s mark elephant
\4s mark elephant fire
\4s mark focus heart

\4s search elephant fire
\4s search Greenelephant-Galakrond
\4s search target arrow