FPF Loot Manager

FPF Loot Manager


Simple addon for loot management in raid.


  • Adding loot by Drag and drop
  • Sharing Loot among all players in the raid
  • Possibility to vote +1, +2, +1DL or Pass
  • Receiving and consulting votes by the entire raid but especially the Loot Master
  • Awarding Loot to the winner
  • Deleting Loot from the list once the award is complete
  • Opening an exchange window
  • Consulting the history of awards


  • /fpfloot help to display all commands
  • /fpfloot to display main window
  • /fpfloot purge to purge the item list
  • /fpfloot attrib to show attribution history


  • Works for 10 players group.
  • +1, +2 system with lootmaster.
  • Performance optimizations can be made, particularly on memory consumption especially on lists exceeding 30 items.
  • Some functions can be optimized.
  • This addon was entirely generated by AI.