-- Configurable chat identifier, auto-labels messages in your channels and whispers with your main's name
This project exists because Identity-2 was not updated for ver 10.x . It is mostly the same thing, I am just using the fixed libraries. There is now also an option to not display identity if it same as character name.(added in version 1.0.4)
Basic instructions:
use `/id to go the configuration window
Active/Deactive IdentityBoo
Enable/Disable Fun mode in special days
The base for witch the Identity will be generated on the chat. The tokens you can use are:
- %s -> Will be replaced by the appropriate identity
- %z -> Will be replaced by the name of the current zone
- %l -> Will be replaced by the character level
- %g -> Will be replaced by the character guild
- %r -> Will be replaced by the realm name.
Any other character will be kept unchanged, for example the format:
[%s-%r]<%g>(%l) - %z
will look like this:
[Agaor-Nesingwary]<of The Queue>(100) - Nagrand