

Greatly extends the player drop down menu without secure taint.

  • This mod works on these menu
    • player link in chat frame
    • player menu in Friends Frame
    • player menu in Guild Frame
    • player menu in BlizzardRaidUI
  • Other powerful feature
    • Still have the "Target" option when out of combat!
    • NEVER taint the RaidUI dropdown menu
    • Alt + LClick player link to invite him
    • Shift + LClick player link to query his information (SendWho)
    • Ctrl + LClick player link to target him (no use in combat)
  • Added menu options
    • guild invite
    • query info
    • copy name to ChatEditBox
    • trade
    • compare achievement
    • cast spell(buffs i.e., no use in combat)
    • and your customed ones.