FriendXP Classic

FriendXP Classic


Allows viewing the experience of players who are also using this add-on.  To see the experience of your friend you'll both need to have this addon and be in a party together.

Use /friendxp to pull up the configuration options or use one of the slash commands listed below to quickly enable or disable the parts you don't need.

If you have any feedback, suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports please open a ticket or leave a comment.

Slash Commands

  • /friendxp -> Open configuration options
  • /friendxp togglelock -> Locks/Unlocks the frames for moving
  • /friendxp toggle miniframe -> Enables/Disables the miniframe
  • /friendxp toggle xpbar -> Enables/Disables the xpbar
  • /friendxp toggle blizz -> Enables/Disables blizzard party frame integration

Format String

Certain parts accept a format string option.  You can customize using these substitutions:

%n   Player name
%l   Level
%xp  Current experience
%txp Total experience
%p   Current xp as a percentage (can be directly followed with a number between 0-9 to indicate how many decimal places should show)
%rm  XP Needed to level
%r   Rest bonus
%d   Show if xp is disabled
%rs %re Anything placed between these will only show with rest bonus
Here are the default format strings:
friendbar: %n (%l): %xp / %txp (%p%) Remaining: %rm%rs Rested: %r%re %d
miniframe: %l: %n
player xp frame: %n (%p%)