Frostbolt Meter

Frostbolt Meter


Frostbolt Meter

It's an odometer for your mage!! It's literally just a little window you can move around that shows how many frostbolts you've ever casted on your mage.  It counts all ranks of frostbolts. There is a Frostbolt icon and a number that goes up to 999 Million. Just arbitrarily chosen.  No special behavior for defeating that number yet.


  • Movable Window
  • Configuration Menu Button bottom right on mouse hover
  • Reset option
  • Ability to toggle zero padding
  • Ability to enable/disable achievement popup/sound

*Big cool achievement window popup with sound and RP text (For previous frostbolt meter users, the unlocks happen retrocatively, but without popup window, reset your meter to experience the achievements

  • Font Choice

Coming Soon!

Features that can be unlocked

  • Total Frostbolt Damage Done
  • Total number of Full Resists
  • Total damage lost to partial resists
  • Total number of critical strikes
  • Critical Strike Notification Graphic near the meter(!)
  • Choice of original Frostbolt Icon (perhaps other icons)
  • Critical Strike Sound

Even Fancier Future Stuff

  • Fun animations
  • Skin to old timey rolling number 0 - 9 instead of just digital font
  • AddOn communication and Achievements sharing with mage buddies

Current Slash Commands

/fbm reset /fbm toggle