FTL aka 'Follow The Leader', is a simple but useful addon to help you keep up with, and assist your group's leader by placing markers over top of them and their target.

The focused player also will have a estimated distance displayed in yards which is especially great for healers in the group to avoid range cutoffs, but is helpful for anyone keeping track of the group leader. The more in sync the group and leader are, generally better the outcome -  and that's the goal.


🔹 Your Focus: When you have a player focuses, no matter the faction, they will get a marker with a faction logo over top of their nameplate, alone with an estimated distance to them.

🔹 Your Focus's Target: Displays an arrow above their nameplate to easily spot location. The color of the arrow is yellow by default, but when target them as well, it will turn red.

🔹Toggle Addon: Right click the minimap addon icon to toggle the addon on or off.


2/13/2021: 📌 Issues section is now enabled for bug reporting!

2/15/2021: 📦 Version 1.0.0 is now live! Enjoy!