Fugg :DD

Fugg :DD



Translates any text to spurdo (unless it contains itemlinks) or dolan. For when you want to type like an idiot, but can't be bothered to. There are four options:

  • /fugg off to disable fugg
  • /fugg on to enable fugg
  • /fugg chat to toggle regular chatchannel functionality
  • /fugg bn to toggle Battle.net whisper functionality
  • /fugg dolan to toggle between spurdo and dolan (dolan is the default)

Example translations:

  • I'm a DemonHunter. –> Im a DemonHunder :DD
  • Anyone up for raid? –> Anyone ub for raid?
  • fuck I died. –> fugg I died :DD
  • No! I too hab broved my wordxdd Odyn! I am dog-kign Skobald! Dese mortalz dare nod challenke my claim to de aegis! If dese falze chambionz will nod yield de aegis by choige den dey will surrender id in dead! Gibe ub de aegis or die!
