


Note: For WoD versions, the Druid class bar is nonfunctional at the moment. Apologies for the inconvenience.

FusionHUD is fully customizable HUD framework, with all elements able to be moved and resized. An infinite number of bars can be created to track whatever YOU need, allowing you access to the information that YOU deem important, in locations that YOU are comfortable with. FusionHUD is what you make of it, because you design it.

The screenshots can't do the HUD justice, since the HUD is completely customizable, the layout can be made to look however you want it to. Want giant target health bars and small player health and mana bars? Want your pet bars to use one bar style/texture and your target bars to use a different one? Want to undock the text of some bars and leave the rest docked? Want player info to the left, and target info to the right? Or maybe the other way around? FusionHUD makes this possible.

Click the minimap button, use /fh or /fusionhud, or go the main menu/interface/addons list to change options, or to create your first new bar!

  • Profiles
  • Tracks Health, Power (Mana, energy, etc) for all classes
  • Can be set to show for the player, pet, player target, pet target, and target of target
  • Can create many bars and lay them out however you like
  • Each bar is individually adjustable for font, size, texture, and facing
  • Each bar can be moved anywhere on the screen
  • Author's personal profile as a Default profile (selectable from the profiles menu) to quickly get started
  • Alternate bar type to replace PlayerPowerBarAlt for boss mechanics like Corruption on Cho'gall
  • Bars can be renamed in the menu, for easier identification
  • Toggle-able Warning colors for Health and Power bars
  • Toggles to Disable the Blizzard player, pet and target frames
  • Transparency settings based on context (combat, debuffed/wounded, out-of-combat)
  • Toggle-able Class-specific bar for:
    • Holy Power
    • Warlock secondary power types
    • Combo Points (Rogues and druids)
    • Runes and Rune Cooldowns
    • Moonkin Eclipse Class-specific bar
    • Monk Chi
  • Customizable, movable text for each bar
  • Target Unit Name labels colored by class for non-NPC targets
  • Curved Symmetric bar skin (For MetaHUD users, can be nested by making the height and width of the smaller, inner bar 4/5ths of the larger bar's height and width)