Frezes Help Menu

Q&A: Amazing. Wait no. It's a test mod? Yes it is. It has NO functions yet Why put it out? I'm using this page, for testing purposes, And for easy access, for my testers. Can i be a tester? Contact me at [email protected] and we'll talk about it. Sure, I'm needing some.. This project is basically going to be a little addon, to people. It's a test, to try out my skills. I'm used to coding, Garry's Mod, a Source Based game. The code is a bit different, So don't expect a lot from start. I'm currently testing some HUD Menus Which I'm used to begin called a "DERMA Menu". Adding some buttons, to do certain stuff to get the functions in the WoW Libary on spot. "I got an idea!" Amazing, Contact me right now! I'd love ideas to some sort of thing. The help menu, is a part of it, Which will be finished soon. You might wonder what the hell this is useful for. The answer is . Nothing yet.. At all.. It's just a basic script. It /will/ become useful tho.. Soon.. Thanks for your time of reading this guide, and i understand that it's a horrible script so far. But I'm constantly developing it.