G15 Buttons (continued)


I fixed some bugs and updated the code for WoW 2.2.0 ... 6.0.0

/g15 for options.

Special thanks go to mir1 for fixing the taint bug!


Howto setup key bindings for this addon:

1.) install the addon the usual way (download the archive and extract it to [WoW]\Interface\Addons\)

2.) launch WoW, log into your account and join with any of your chars.

3.) switch to windows desktop (press Alt-Tab), launch Logitech G-series Keyboard Profiler

4.) assign unique key bindings to all 18 G15-keys, for example CTRL-ALT-A to G1, CTRL-ALT-B to G2, ... CTRL-ALT-R to G18. Make sure to have the right keyboard profile "World of Warcraft" activated  (see screenshot 1)

5.) switch back to WoW, press <Esc>, open "Key Bindings", scroll down to section "G15 Buttons Addon"

6.) Assign key bindings to 1. group, buttons 1 to 18 by pressing G1 to G18 (see screenshot 2)

7.) close the key bindings menu, go back to game.

8.) open G15 Buttons options dialog by typing /g15, activate the 1st group.

9.) drop a cast from your spellbook to the upper left button.

10.) hover your mouse over this button, the tooltip should show "ALT-CTRL-A" in green letters in the last line. (see screenshot 3)

11.) press G1 to test the key binding.

12.) setup finished.


Original description by eyyubvolkan:

This add-on provides groups of action buttons. In actual, there are 3 groups of buttons you can create. To use this add-on you DO NOT need logitech G-15 keyboard or any other special stuff. This is just bar mod which happens to have a default setup to look like the G15 macro keys.

So why the name is G15 Buttons ? Because of, the idea has come related to my new G-15 keyboard :) And button groups are optimized for the keyboard. But also you can change all the settings via options form.

You can create upto 24 buttons per group and can change starting id of buttons. You can also change the row count, offset, scale and someother options. You can create a group of buttons and move it where ever you want. You can change all the parameters with options dialog (/g15).

Also you can bind keys (any key, even normal keyboard keys :) via 'Key Bindings' in-game menu.

for options;