Galvin's UnitBars

Galvin's UnitBars


/gub c to open

/gub for commands

Galvin's UnitBars is a resource tracking addon. Tracks things like mana, combo points, chi, etc.

Please post any feedback in the comments section below.

8.17 Release

  • Switched from beta to release

8.16 Beta

  • General -> Frames options Hide focus frame has been added

8.15 Beta

  • Backdrop and Regions can now do a border thickness of 1

8.13 Beta

EssenceBar: Added "full" texture support for triggers

8.10 Beta

  • EssenceBar.lua: Essence bar added for Evoker
  • RuneBar.lua, EssenceBar.lua: due to both bars having the same layout. The layout was changed so it's easier to share code between the two. "Runes" is "Textures", "Bars" is "Boxes", and "Bars and Runes" is "Textures and Boxes", and "Rune Location" is "Texture Location"
  • ChiBar.lua: Changed Ascencion option to extra chi slider. To be consistant with extra combo point slider in the combo bar

 8.01 Release

  • Bar.lua: If animation was fading or scaling in. Then switched to play 'out' would cause the frame to get shown after instead of being hidden
  • Controls.lua: The aura box menu was not letting the user click a spell and would have to enter the spellID instead
  • Options.lua, main.lua: Frame moving options removed and replaced by blizzard's edit mode
  • Options.lua: stances: Added druid forms and warrior stances
  • Controls.lua: Aura menu works much faster now when typing in the name of a spell
  • Controls.lua: Sometimes the spellID would not show in the tooltip when mousing over an aura in aura menu
  • Main.lua: Maelstrom power type was missing. This will now show up in power colors
  • Main.lua: Predicted power should work in more langauges
  • Main.lua: Talents recoded
  • Options.lua: Talent menus: Highlighted talents mean free. Highlighted pvp talent means selected
  • Controls.lua: Made the pulldown menu for talents have a slightly larger font
  • ComboBar.lua: Animacharged added to triggers
  • ComboBar.lua: Animacharge options removed from Region
  • StaggerBar.lua: Blackout kick + Purify Brew will trigger the pause timer
  • StaggerBar.lua: Pause Timer: Sync Fill Direction and Clipping settings wasn't working
  • StaggerBar.lua: To make this less confusing. Overlay removed and replaced with Layered (hidden). Check your settings if something isn't right. These options were bugged. Should work correctly now
  • StaggerBar.lua: Autohide pause bar will make the stagger bar shift position. To fix this use floating mode or change the anchor point. Made this change since moving the staggar bar around the pause bar was causing both bars to move around
  • Triggers.lua: Stances now will not be enabled on bars that don't have stances
  • Options.lua: Padding All was not working correctly for region backgrounds

Libsharedmedia 3.0 supported

Some features. Too many to list

  • Priority flag system. Each bar has a status flag to tell when to hide, show, etc.
  • Textures 'GUB Bright Bar', 'GUB Dark Bar', and 'GUB Square Border' can be used with any mod that has libsharedmedia.
  • All bars can be fully customized to how you want them to look.
  • All bars can be rotated. For health and power bars fill direction can be changed to match the rotation.
  • All bars have frame strata. If you want a bar to appear above another add ons UI. This should help.
  • Trigger system for more advanced options.
  • Alignment tool allows bars to be lined up for perfection. Right click a bar when bars are not locked to activate the tool.
  • Test Mode. Make changes to bars without having to use combat to do it.

  • A lot of bars have borders these can be hidden. For example: In the shard bar when in box mode. There should be an option called 'background'.
    In there you will see a pulldown called border. Select 'none' and the bar will have no visible border. You can do the same to bars that are not in box mode as well.

Fragment Bar demo

Rune Bar demo

Stagger Bar demo

Text settings

Align and Swap tool video

Triggers video.

Alternate Power Bar video