

GarbageMan Options

GarbageMan Options

Enable/disable criteria that specifies what is garbage
Whitelist Page

Whitelist Page

Shows items on the whitelist--They will not be sold or deleted, if whitelist is enabled.
Buttons on Merchant Window

Buttons on Merchant Window

Shows the sell button [treasure chest] and filter button [orange eye]
Marked Garbage Items on Bank Window

Marked Garbage Items on Bank Window

Marks Garbage items in Bank and Bags with a red highlight


Clicking the help button next to the merchant portrait highlights GarbageMan buttons. To turn off tutorial mode, click the help button again.
BlackList Page

BlackList Page

Shows items on the blacklist--They are sold or deleted if the blacklist is enabled.
Marked Garbage Items in Bags

Marked Garbage Items in Bags

When clicking the garbage button: Items with a gold coin will be sold. Items colored red will be deleted.