GarrisonHelper saves time by accepting and completing daily quests, even if crafting is involved.
Some tasks at your garrison come along with a lot of clicks and mouse movement to complete. These tasks can now be solved without any mouse movement. Additionally, GarrisonHelper scans your garrison for daily NPCs and marks NPCs and followers in garrison buildings if you can't find them.
You have to configure GarrisonHelper first to benefit most. Just type /gh or /garrisonhelper and remember to activate this addon in your data broker visualisation (e.g. Titan Panel)
Dwarven Bunker / War Mill
The addon auto-completes the Dwarven Bunker/War Mill daily. The daily Scrap Meltdown comes with Dwarven Bunker/War Mill Level 3 and converts Iron Horde Scraps into Armor or Weapon Enhancement Token. With GarrisonHelper (and 25 Iron Horde Scraps in your inventory) you just have to right click Grun'lek or Kristen Stoneforge twice. The quest reward (Armor or Weapon Enhancement Token) is determined by demand, but can be changed in the configuration interface.
Summary: Right click NPC twice to let the token drop.
Inscription Building Daily Work
When right clicking the NPC, an action button will appear at the mouse pointer. Dependent on the number of Cerulean Pigment this action button will mill herbs or create Draenor Merchant Orders. In the worst case, you have to press this button three times, to mill, mill again and then create Draenor Merchant Orders.
Summary: Right click NPC until Draenor Merchant Orders drop.
In the configuration (/gh) you can rank a list of herbs. Milling herbs will be done by this priority. Additionally you can use this priority for your milling macro
#showtooltip Milling /run MillingMacro() /click GH_Button
Jewelcrafting Building Daily
When right clicking the NPC, the belonging daily quest will be accepted, if it can be completed. Dependent on the daily quest the next right click completes the quest or an action button will appear at the mouse pointer. Use this action button to craft the quest objective. If you own the Jewelcrafting Building without knowing the profession, the action button will appear when you talk to the corresponding tradeskill NPC. Use the configuration (/gh) to select which quest should be accepted automatically.
Summary: Right click NPC until Jewelcrafting Payment drops.
Alchemy Building Daily
If you assign a follower to your alchemy building, a daily quest becomes available. This quest offers you soulbound potions. Just do this quest once and allow GarrisonHelper to select this reward automatically. The choice can be changed in the configuration (/gh).
Summary: One right click to receive potions from the alchemy building daily.
Daily Visitors
The Trading Post trader changes everyday. Each trader has special trading goods he sells for 4 Garrison Resources. Additionally, there are daily visitors in your level 3 Town Hall, which provide quests for dungeons, raids, bounties, relics, and professions. Mouseover these NPCs to see what they are offering.
To scan all NPCs in your garrison at once, just click on the data broker visualisation (e.g. Titan Panel) or the minimap icon (if enabled).
Work Orders
Because this feature is handled by a lot of addons, it is deactivated by default (use /gh to activate). When activated, this feature is automatically pressing the [Complete All] button. In the configuration you can activate this behavior for each building separately. Additionally, automatically completing Trading Post work orders depend on the configuration of trade goods.
Data Broker
GarrisonHelper provides data broker functionality. Basically this means, that you can visualise it for instance in Titan Panel or enable a minimap icon in the configuration (/gh). In this visualistaion you can see, if have completed all daily tasks or if not, if you have the needed materials for it.
A left click starts scanning your NPCs in your garrison, so that you know which trader is in front of your trading post and which daily visitor is in your Town Hall. Because the profession vendor and trading post trader are the same for all your chars, it is noted in the data broker tooltip.
If you scan for NPCs in a garrison buiding, belonging NPCs will me marked for better detection. The work order NPC is marked by the skull. If there is a another important NPC he is marked with the cross and if there is a follower assigned he is marked with a star.